Lisa Breslow: Cityscapes / Landscapes

Highlights from the 2011 exhibition at the Academy Art Museum in Maryland.
April 24, 2020

This exhibition featured 21 works by Lisa Breslow that reflect personal responses to her environments. The paintings follow the cultural divide between the city and the country and reflect different techniques and styles. Breslow’s landscape paintings invite introspection and calmness, while the urban scenes in New York suggest vibrant participation in the city. Together the paintings in this show form a balance of active and contemplative life. 


For many years, Breslow exclusively painted the sublime, contemplative landscape, and when she turned to the city as an inspiration, she retained that quiet sense of air and light. Her current  paintings depict the geometry of the built environment, and the vitality of urban life softened by the rustling  forms of leaves and trees and the tenacity of nature.